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E-marketing Articles and Resources


Normally I wait to build one of these documents until I've got the time to eliminate duplication and fill out the picture. But, all of these articles are ones I've bookmarked for future reference and still seem to be relevant. None the less, I'll be winnowing, trimming and adding to this piece over time.

Guerilla Marketing

ZDNet: Guerilla Marketing for E-Businesses: TV ads work, creativity rocks.

A Urinal? No, an Opportunity!: Wired on the same topic.

Blair Witch Project used guerilla web marketing to push a real property.

Other Types of Traditional Advertising

Dot Coms Target 'Dot Commuters': Internet Businesses go billboard happy.

What do Customers Want Out of You

Stewart Alsop: How I Judge if a Website Deserves My Business hits a few key points about the user experience with a very large hammer.

Intuitive Equals Familiar talks about the difference between what intuitive means and how people use it. The relevant point is that people don't look for intuitive, necessarily. They look for things that are familiar, so they can start using them faster.

Does Your Site Contribute to Data Smog: Depending on your audience, sometimes simplicity is a big selling point.

Know Your Competition

The real Internet revolution: as in other businesses, know your competition and know the market. And be very afraid if you're directly up against someone who's been in the retail game for a long time.

Lies, Damn Lies and Hits

Web Traffic Stats Don't Add Up: The key thing to note here is that advertisers in the know know that phrases like 'hits' may not mean much at all. Be careful what you brag about.

Internet Advertising

He's not going there anymore covers what no longer works in internet advertising)

Dot-com Retailing Changing

Forrester: Most dot-com retailers face 'imminent demise' points out that most dot-coms do not have the capital to survive the first shakeout that's coming to internet retailing. Not it's referring only to Business-to-Consumer marketing. Business-to-Business mareting is a very different creature.

Brand Building

Branding: The Most Misunderstood Word In Marketing gives an overview of what it takes to build a brand. You have to do the same thing to build a brand you've always done. The difference is that the business now exists as a website so the tools you have to build the brand may have changed, but you've still got to build it. Or they won't keep coming, right?

Branding: The Most Misunderstood Word In Marketing


AlertBox is a key site. I've just selected a few of what I think are their key articles from the last two years. I don't believe I've regretted a moment I've spent reading their articles.

Usability as Barrier to Entry: There are a thousand games in town. You can't afford to make users learn new tricks if you've got an established competitor

When bad design becomes the standard

Web research: Believe the data (includes sidebar on affiliates programs

Stuck with old browsers until 2003

Why people shop on the Web

The difference between print design and Web design: They are not the same. Here are a few of the reasons why.

Cost of user testing a website