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Comix and Humor

First and foremost: don't get mad at me based on what you find beyond these links. It may offend, be inappropriate for anyone and could, in some strange places, end you up in court. Caveat Emptor. If you're afraid, don't go. If you get offended, don't write us.

Now, go enjoy!


User Friendly: Perhaps the ultimate geek comic strip.

Electric Sheep: a wonderful site placing each frames of a story on a seperate page to keep you from rushing through. Nicely done.

Dilbert: And we can't forget the corporate send-up by a former Pac-Bell employee. Know your cube, love your cube, watch it shrink until scientist arrive to test their blackhole theories.

Net Comics: "is a program that downloads today's comic strips from the Web, and place them in a spool directory where they can be retrieved for display". Over 100 comics available.

Pulp Fiction meets the Simpsons is definately not for the easily offended or under-age. But, it shows the storyboards for a Simpson's episode --never produced-- based on Pulp Fiction.

William Shatner Acting Simulator is a great waste of time. You get the chance to direct an animated William Shatner out-act his little heart out.

General attempts to be the yahoo of jokes with their Joke Du Jour, Jokes Database, user posting of jokes, free email and other goodies. Some of the site requires setting up an account. Ugh.

Geek Humor

The Anti-Linux-IPO Howto: a send-up of the computer trade press done in the style of linux documentation

Hacked Sites of the Future?: What if 2600,, Microsoft or the White House were cracked?

Humor at the Expense of Big Companies

They're big, they're rich, they may believe they're gods.

Microsoft Spin Dictionary: "An irreverent guide to the modern language as defined by Microsoft."

Acme Vaporware: Have you ever thought of how much fun you could have with all the weird convoluted non-sense in industrial catalog or on say the average computer box? Too late, these guys have done it. To whit: " The TorpoLeximatic for Palm O/S (a port of AcmeVaporware's wildly successful web-based version) is the world's first free, torpo-induction virtual machine designed exclusively to run on a PDA and generate custom, high-tech nomenclature for any product or service -- regardless of whether or not it works.

Political Humor

Virtual Crack Rock: send someone their own...

Trenchcoat Mafia ate Doritos, say sources: Segfault decided to put in their two-cents worth on the immense press (and dare we say public?) stupidity on the High School Shooting in Littleton Colorado.


The Onion: Take USA Today, a little Time, maybe a few other things and shake liberally into parody. These guys have actually been featured on NPR.

Segfault: These guys shoot their spitwads from a place somewhere in the middle of geekdom.

All Nude Teen Stick Figures is a great parody of XXX websites, the legal haze floating around them and silly people tricks.

The Corporation is a collection of icons that you can include on your website to make people think you're really kewl... or something. Or just let them know that you know that all those silly web awards are just that: silly. Our something is on the right. So now you know that we know. Which really means that we know that you know that we know that you know that we know...

The Furby Hooker Network has got to be one of the more bizarre bits of parody, but a lot of fun for the not easily offended.

Schwa Corporation is almost impossible to describe. One of their graphics is the left and you can spend hours lost in their send-up of paranoia. Just think of it as the X-files with a sense of humor.

I Never Grew Up Strange, weird, with things like "Fun With Lighters". Keep the kids away.

The Guide Creator Page: is home to all sorts of homeless role playing guidebooks. If that looses you, the humor here will escape you. If not, make sure you check out The Complete Guide To Metallica and The Carnal Guide (Was: The AD&D Book Of Sex).

Just Plain Weird

The Church of the Quivering Otter: "Welcome, my child. The Diet Coke of Fate told me you would come to us." Don't ask me. All I know is that this is very weird.

English as she is spoken is an interesting experiment. It takes a phrase and runs it back and forth through one of the internet's automatic translators to show just how silly automation can get. Warning: this sometimes doesn't run. If it isn't running, check back in a few days.

The Death Clock lets you see how long you have to live. Don't take it too seriously, though. It's on our humor page, right?